Jan 27, 2007


Everyday, we are inundated with information. Memos, email, policy & procedure manuals, proceedings, quarterly reports, product documentation, and business cases are just a few of the sources that fill our in-boxes, hard drives, and networks with data that we need to keep for future study or reference. Unfortunately, finding the information you need is often a slow process — which file is it in and on which network drive? And once you find the file, where in the file is the specific information you need?

Often, you simply give up trying to find the data and take your best guess at what you think the material contained. While this may be acceptable to you some of the time, it may not be acceptable to the customer you are talking to, or to the service rep. who needs a procedure, etc.

* Rapidly search through megabytes of information (stored in one or more databases) for the details you need.
* Easily annotate Knowledge Base articles.
* Track the use of Knowledge Base articles.
* Distribute your information to others within your company or commercially to other organizations who need the same type of information.

DOWNLOAD : rapidshare.com

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